Workshop Guide

Training Environment

Let’s first agree on: AVS = Azure VMware Solution

Azure Portal Credentials

Replace “#” with your group number.

Connect to with the following credentials:

Environment Details

Jumpbox Details

Your first task will be creating a Jumpbox in your respective Jumpbox Resource group.

NOTE: In addition to the instructions below, you can watch this video which will explain the same steps and get you ready for deploying the Jumpbox.

The following table will help you identify the Resource Group, Virtual Network (vNET) and Subnet in which you will be deploying your Jumpbox VM.

Replace the word ‘Name’ with Partner name, and ‘X’ with your Group Number

GroupJumpbox Resource GroupVirtual Network/Subnet

Example - Partner name is ABC and Group number is 2:

GroupJumpbox Resource GroupVirtual Network/Subnet

Exercise 1: Instructions for Creation of Jumpbox

Step 1: Create Azure Virtual Machine

In the Azure Portal locate the Virtual Machines blade.

  1. Click + Create.
  2. Select Azure virtual machine.

Step 2: Basic information for Azure Virtual Machine

  1. Select Basics tab.
  2. Select the appropriate Resource group per the table below.
  3. Give your Jumpbox a unique name you wish. As suggestion you can use your name initials with the word Jumpbox (i.e. for John Smith it will be JS-Jumpbox)
  4. Ensure the appropriate Region is selected. Usually it is the default region given you have selected the right Resource Group (see step #1).
  5. Select the type of the VM image.

Operating System: Windows 10 or Windows 11

  1. Ensure the correct Size is selected.

Size: Standard D2s v3 (2vCPUs, 8GiB memory)

Leave other defaults and scroll down on the Basics tab.

  1. Enter a user name for your Jumpbox (Anything of your choosing).
  2. Enter and confirm a password for your Jumpbox user.
  3. Ensure to select “None” for Public inbound ports.
  4. Select checkbox for “I confirm I have an eligible Windows 10 license”. Leave all other defaults and jump to Networking tab.

Step 3: Azure Virtual Machine Networking Information

  1. Click on Networking tab.
  2. Select the appropriate VNet based on the table below.

NOTE: This is not the VNet that is loaded by default.

  1. If the appropriate VNet was selected it should auto-populate the JumpBox subnet. If not, please make sure to select the JumpBox Subnet.

NOTE: Please select None for Public IP. You will not need it. Instead, you’ll be using Azure Bastion, which is already deployed, to access (RDP) into the JumpBox VM.

  1. Select “Delete public IP and NIC when VM is deleted” checkbox.
  2. Click Review + Create -> Create.

Step 4: Connect to your Azure Virtual Machine Jumpbox

Once your Jumpbox finishes creating, go to it and click: Connect → Bastion

This should open a new browser tab and connect you to the Jumpbox, enter the Username and Password you specified for your Jumpbox.

Make sure you allow pop-ups in your Internet browser for Azure Bastion to work properly.

VMware Environments

AVS vCenter, HCX, and NSX-T URLs

Please refer to the VMware Credentials section under the AVS blade in the Azure portal to retrieve URLs and Login information for vCenter, HCX, and NSX-T.

NOTE: Use the same vCenter credentials to access HCX portal if needed.


Note: In a real customer environment, the local cloudadmin@vsphere.local account should be treated as an emergency access account for “break glass” scenarios in your private cloud. It’s not for daily administrative activities or integration with other services. For more information see here

In AVS you can predict the IP addresses for vCenter (.2), NSX-T Manager (.3) and HCX (.9). For instance, if you choose as your AVS Management CIDR block, the IPs will be as following:


On-Premises VMware Lab Environment

If you are in a group with multiple participants you will be assigned a participant number.

Replace X with your group number and Y with your participant number.

Generic information

GroupParticipantvCenter IPUsernamePasswordWeb workload IPApp Workload IP

Example for Group number 1 with 4 participants

GroupParticipantvCenter IPUsernamePasswordWeb workload IPApp Workload IP

Credentials for the Workload VM/s


Module 1 Setup AVS Connectivity

Module 2 - HCX for VM Migration

Module 2: Deploy HCX for VM Migration

Module 3 - VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM)

Module 3: Setup SRM for Disaster Recovery to AVS

Module 4 - Secure Hub

Module 4: Create and configure a Secure Hub to route traffic to the internet

Additional Resources

Last modified December 17, 2024: update workflow (8881230)