Module 2 Task 3
Task 3: Import the OVA file to the On-Premises vCenter
Import the OVA file to the On-Premises vCenter
In this step we will import the HCX appliance into the on premises vCenter.
You can choose to do this Task in 2 different ways:
Step 1: Obtain your AVS vCenter Server credentials
- In your AVS Private Cloud blade click Identity.
- Locate and save both vCenter admin username cloudadmin@vsphere.local and password.
Step 2: Locate HCX Cloud Manager IP
- Click on + Add-ons.
- Copy the HCX Cloud Manager IP.
Step 3: Log in to HCX Cloud Manager IP
You will perform the instructions below from AVS VMware Environment
Open a browser tab and paste the HCX Cloud Manager IP and enter the credentials obtained in the previous step.
Step 4: Request Download Link for HCX OVA
- In the left pane click System Updates.
- Click REQUEST DOWNLOAD LINK, please keep in mind that the button might take a couple of minutes to become enabled.
Option 1: Download and deploy HCX OVA to on-premises vCenter
- Click VMWARE HCX to download the HCX OVA localy.
Option 2: Deploy HCX from a vCenter Content Library
- Click COPY LINK if you will install HCX with this method.
You will perform the instructions below from the On-premises VMware Environment
Step 1: Access Content Libraries from on-premises vCenter
Browse to the on-premises vCenter URL, See Getting Started section for more information and login details.
- From your on-premises vCenter click Menu.
- Click Content Libraries.
Step 2: Create a new Content Library
Create a new local content library if one doesn’t exist by clicking the + sign.
Step 3: Import Item to Content Library
- Click ACTIONS.
- Click Import Item.
- Enter the HCX URL copied in a previous step.
- Click IMPORT.
Accept any prompts and actions and proceed. The HCX OVA will download to the library in the background.
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Last modified December 17, 2024: update workflow (8881230)