Module 4 Task 3
Task 3: Configure Azure Firewall policies
Azure Firewall Policies
Exercise 1: Azure Firewall Policies
Step 1: Navigate to Azure Firewall
- In the Azure Portal search bar type Firewalls.
- Click Firewalls.
Step 2: Select your Virtual WAN Firewall
Select your virtual WAN Firewall that should have been automatically created after the previous task.
Step 3: Azure Firewall Manager
- Click Firewall Manager.
- Click to Visit Azure Firewall Manager to configure and manage this firewall.
Step 4: Access Azure Firewall Policies
- Click Azure Firewall Policies.
- Click + Create Azure Firewall Policy.
Step 5: Firewall Policies Basics Tab
- Ensure you’re in the Basics tab.
- Leave the defaults for Subscription and Resource group.
- Give your policy a name: InternetEnabledXY, where X is your group number and Y is your participant number.
- Ensure to select your appropriate Region.
- For Policy tier select Standard.
- For Parent policy select None.
Step 6: Firewall Policies DNS Settings Tab
- Click DNS Settings tab.
- Select Enabled for DNS settings.
- For DNS Servers ensure Default (Azure provided) is selected.
- For DNS Proxy select Enabled.
Step 7: Firewall Policies Rules Tab
- Select Rules tab.
- Click + Add a rule collection.
Step 8: Add a Rule Collection
- Give the rule collection a name: InternetOuboundEnabled-XY, where X is your group number and Y is your participant number.
- For Rule collection type select Network.
- Give the rule collection a Priority - Should be a numeric valued between 100-65000.
- For Rule collection action select Allow.
- Leave the default for Rule collection group.
- Use the following values for your Rule.
Name | Source type | Source | Protocol | Destination Ports | Destination Type | Destination |
Rule1-XY | IP Address | * | TCP | 80,443 | IP Address | * |
Click Review + Create and then the Create button.
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Last modified December 17, 2024: update workflow (8881230)